? ??????????????Unbelievable (Pink)? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (83 Ratings)??76 Grabs Today. 21223 Total Gra
bs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????1?? ???????????????????????????Love to Hate? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (51 Ratings)??62 Grabs Today. 18559 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My perspectivOo..

Hmm...tengah free2 ni bleh la nak update blog, just nak berkogsi cerita masa lecture miggu lepas my lecturer talk 'bout hereditary; chromosomes + genes + blabla... then, she start story telling about her sister get married with a British guy...~~pheuww~~
What make the story get my attention is the husband fall in love with the wife because of her inside personality not with the outside appearances. The most statement i never heard come from a man : he was hoping that their son or daughter will have a flat nose like her mother..how swEEt..and after all they have a daghter like her mother..

So, setiap orang ada dia punya pandangan terhadap kecantikan setiap orang. Ada setengah orang cakap David Beckham tu ensem, BUT for me his not totally handsome...hehe,jgan marah Mr. Beckham..i have my own perspective about beauty..
and i believe everybody have thier own too...

Though...sape2 yg nak duk ngadu dia xcantik la, hidung kemek ke nak hidung cam Angelina Jolie ke jangan nak ngada2 ye terima la apa adanya.. kita je kata xcantik orang lain tengok ok je..just be confident of urslef ye..satu lagi, sape2 yang nk jeles terhadap kecantikan seseorang jangan la sampai wat bemda xsenonoh kat dia, curah acid ke...mana la tahu..hehehe
ko je pikir dia cantik,xsmestinya orang pkir dia tu cantik..ngerti ndak..
Ahh...pham2 je la ye aku bebel...pikir2kan la ye :)